

Sunday May 27th 2012, 10:28 pm

Large, but not overly, standing rigid, mostly taken for granted, expected to always be there providing its function for the home. White surfaced, or at least the parts visible are so. Covered in magnetic stories; images of sex and heroes, exotic travel, funky robots, rocketships, ghouly monsters, shoes, and rock’n’roll, old and new representations of all sorts in numerous shapes and sizes, some squared and others odd, kitschy pop in a wide range of colorful subjects. It can be read and studied for hours, attached with playful discoveries like a miniature fortune teller for example, expelling simplistic tidbits of her trade. Pulsing and humming rhythmically, within it’s heavy doored frame contains the cold and the crisp, packages, cartons, and plastic and icy glass, all waiting to be partaken my eager hungry hands. A whole bountiful galley of tasty satisfactions, sweet, savory, saucy, creamy and crunchy, most any desire cloistered to it drawers and shelves, preserved and ready to treat.

The Refrigerator As Entertainment
May 27th 2012

2 Comments so far
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… Your refrigerator has tattoos. I love it!

Comment by Ashley Helling 05.28.12 @ 12:23 pm

Or stick-on ones anyway.

Comment by jhw3 05.28.12 @ 9:00 pm

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