

Wednesday June 13th 2012, 9:38 pm

Almost blaring, certainly glaring in its annoyance. Incessantly whistles, squawks, screeches, and chirps. All seemingly random. The pitch penetrates the house like the wail of a harpy baring down on it’s prey. It goes on and on and on and on. The worse part of it being in the middle of the night, leaving us to stare up at a blank ceiling in red irritated eyed gritting our teeth sleepless frustration. The damn thing is lucky we’re not the types to just shoot it to end our misery.

The 3am Blundering Bird
June 13th 2012

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We have a neighborhood peacock that lives a few blocks away from us. We love to hear him call throughout the day and we say goodnight to him on his evening call. But, we are A) Glad there is only one (a cacophonous symphony that would be if there were more) and B) We don’t live closer (he is *LOUD*).

Sounds like anti-bird turrets might be the next addition to compliment the anti-vagrant measures…? ;^)

Comment by Ubence 06.14.12 @ 6:22 am

Hey Ubence
I hope the Peacock isn’t going into wee hours of the morning. Yeah, turrets that spit water or something. Last Wendy went out and shook the tree, that worked for a little bit.

Comment by jhw3 06.14.12 @ 1:57 pm

Oh, that visual… a woman in pj’s with a murderous glare shaking a tree at 3am. That’s a keeper.

I sincerely hope that bird shuts up or migrates or something. Frankly, I’d rather live next to an airport.

Comment by Ashley Helling 06.15.12 @ 9:40 am

Hey there Ash
We actually live near an airport as well, fortunately only a small community one though.

Comment by jhw3 06.15.12 @ 11:18 pm

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