Sunday October 28th 2007, 12:24 pmDREAMS WEAVING…
I always tend to have dreams that are just plain boring ordinary slice of life type dreams and they usually don’t have me in them. It’s like I’m somebody else living another life having conversations with people I’ve never met or seen before. But they are SO vividly real that I often wake up thinking it’s a memory of something I did. Very boring to describe them but the feeling of it being so real is freaky. Every once in a while I will have a strange and surreal dream. When I have those I’m always me in them. The other night I dreamt that I was now a homicide detective investigating these murders that took a place in a city park somewhere. My partner and I are there to explain our findings to Rudy Guiliani. Yes, thee Rudy Guiliani thats running for president. Very bizarre because I never dream about famous people. Anyway, we are surveying the crime scene with him and the places where the bodies had been are marked by yellow police tape in the form of crosses that are laying on the ground in various places around the park. We proceed to tell mister Guiliani that all of the bodies seemed to be placed in cross like positions with their arms outstretched from east to west, with their heads and feet facing north and south. We are explaining that we are trying to understand what this means. As we are all walking along one of the murder sites to look at these tape crosses Rudy points out that we are under this tree, a sort of dead blackened tree, which has this very strange plastic like giant growth forming at the base of one side of the tree. We are standing on this giant growth which is bright yellow with greenish spots and it sounds like it is a shell or something, strong but sort of hollow as we step. Then Guiliani begins exclaiming loudly that he knows what this thing is and is amazed that we don’t know. He is shouting happily that this is a very very rare tomato and they are delicious. so we step down off it and he cuts it open on one side with a pocket knife revealing that is is indeed hollow, but there are all of these strange purple root like things hanging inside. Guilani reaches in and grabs some in one hand and lifts them out very gently. He then starts to cut into of the roots which appear to have this soft like texture, very easy to cut, while telling us that we have to try some of this right now. I’m standing there thinking this is very odd when my partner steps forward from behind me to try some this plant fruit and realize that I have never seen my partner’s face during this whole time in the park. He has short cropped blonde hair almost in a historical roman style and hazel eyes, wearing a charcoal grey suit and tie. He stands there chewing a piece of this root nodding his head in agreement to how good it tastes. At this point Guiliani hands me a slice and I say “what the hell, I’ll try it too”. I put the slice into my mouth and immediately think it tastes really familiar and I say “y’know, it tastes just like a beet, you know, the purple kind”. At this point Guilani, with his jacket off and rolled up shirt sleeves, says that his office is right around the corner, let’s go there and finish the briefing. As we walk up to this average looking city building that is sort of dark grey a big black door begins to open at main entrance when we approach. Opening the door for us is this little old woman with pure white hair dressed in long grey and black robes and shawls. As we enter and she turns I can see that she is only half a person in the literal sense. Her body is missing the entire right side of itself including her head, and as we walk past her into the room we see that the part of her body that is there is hollow with no insides except for hundreds of little squirming grey tentacles attached to the pink interior membranes of her skin. I’m seeing this very close up as I enter through the doorway. I’m startled by it but I can’t stop staring at this as I walk past in what seems like slow motion. I choose not say anything since my partner and Guiliani are walking in front of me into the room and act as if everything is absolutely normal. And that is where the dream ends,
We had some furniture delivered this week and it was packaged neatly and tightly into these perfectly conformed boxes with styrofoam and plastic and tie wraps and tape and…you get the point. PACKAGING IS EVIL, sometimes necessary, but it’s still evil. after we got everything out of their packaging it looked like a fucking bomb went off in our living room. The type of styrofoam used was the kind that is molded into shapes to fit corners and such and when it breaks you get hundreds of little tiny nodules that stick to fucking everything. Including the inside of your nose when it breaks to closely to your face and you happen to breath in at that same moment. It’s just awful and pisses me off. I know I’m sounding a little like a nut job but after we were done getting the packing materials off there was as much of that as there was furniture. It was utterly ridiculous. The boxes after being cut down filled up our entire recycle bin plus two giant trash bags and the styrofoam filled our entire trash bin plus two giant trash bags. Insanity. We’ve been finding leftover little nodules of styrofoam for days. They were even sticking to the walls of the house. It’s just evil.
Now that I’ve bored you even further with that…
I seem to love anything by Andi Watson. His quirky style of art manages to fit perfectly with the types of stories he likes to tell and I love them. I just recently finished reading Love Fights and feel the same about this book as i do his other work. An absolute joy and very inventive, very smart. It was quite obvious that he has a love of good superhero comics even though he is poking fun at the whole superhero concept because it is done in this very endearing manner. It comes across as respectful and never degrading to that genre with a perfectly executed superhero type plot mixed with a real slice of life quality to the other characters. if you haven’t read Watson’s work I highly recommend all of it. But I do think that Love Fights screams for a sequel.
Also just read Space Pinchy from Tony Takezaki published by Darkhorse. It is a Japanese manga but unlike what you expect from manga in style. It’s fully rendered in gorgeous digital color mixed with what appears to be 3D graphics. It’s a collection of short stories with interweaving themes that wrap up at the end of the book. I really enjoyed it even though it is extremely sex obsessed in a sort of adolescent sense humor about it way. If you are one that is easily offended by sexual attitudes then don’t read this. However it is clear right away that the creator knows he is being ridiculous and therefore revels in it, making that sort of the point. It’s wild and full of crazy mad ideas on just about every page and a lot of fun if you just let yourself be taken on this surreal psycho ride.
ipod on shuffle mode plus…
BLONDE REDHEAD– melody of certain damaged lemons
FELIX DA HOUSECAT—virgo blaktro and the movie disco
HAWKWIND— independent days
HAWKWIND— spacebrock
HOLLY GOLIGHTLY & DAN MELCHIOR—desperate little town
HOLLY GOLIGHTLY & THE BROKE OFFS— you can’t buy a gun when you’re crying
GARBAGE—self made collection of b sides and mixes
THE CURE — self made collection of remixes and rare cuts
THE SISTERS OF MERCY — some girls wander by mistake
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