

Friday July 06th 2012, 9:33 pm

Blah! Or Argh! Or Blecch! Dull and duller, just sitting there in mock of my talents. Or ehh… fuck it! That essentially somes up how I feel about the page I did today now that its done. There are some days where no matter what, the drawing just doesn’t want to cooperate. I hate that, but there isn’t a lot I can do about it either. I don’t have the luxury of tearing it up and starting over, so I have to just stew with it. Actually most of the time when I dislike what is pouring out of my hand, I keep going forward and try to find something that enthuses me about it, a mental struggle for sure. But there is something to be learned by living with a bad or just okay drawing. I believe I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve actually tossed a page completely out, very rare for me to do that. I guess its a form of self torture to not start the damn thing over. But I feel like if every time I disliked what was coming out and tossed it, I’d never get anything done. I tell myself it’ll be better next time, let the flaws remain as marking of progress. However, it doesn’t make me a ray of sunshine to be around.

Art In Dysfunction
July 6th 2012

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