Monday July 09th 2012, 10:31 pmWalking through the house (agh!), something delicate but sticky and unseen hits my face. Just wonderful, the annual bursting forth invasion has begun. The heat of this time of year seems to trigger tiny armies of the black annoying things, peculiar in that when under bright light they appear vibrant red. But they’re so small that in faint shadow they are almost invisible unless really looking for them. They’re favorite activity seems to be tauntingly descending down upon us while trying to lounge in front of the TV, like mad little insurgents attempting to wage an assailment on us giants. I can only fathom at their real purposes for doing this. Are they trying to warn us away from their claimed territory? Do they think we’re some sort of theme park ride as we wiggle about, fretting over the ticklish nature of their teentsy-weentsy little legs against our skin? If they were actually any larger it would be entirely be creepy crawly heebie-jeebies, but its just damn bothersome, and they seem to be EVERYWHERE overnight, warped in from some ghostly world. So our line of defense? Out comes the vacuum! We become horrid monsters, godly powers of mass destruction, dooming entire miniature worlds.
Life And Death Of The Microbe Spiders
July 9th 2012
4 Comments so far
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The worse part is when they decide that their assault time is while we’re sleeping.
Comment by jhw3 07.10.12 @ 6:50 pm… like a horror movie but no one else (except perhaps Wendy) can see the webs. I suddenly have this visual of you two doing the spaz-out-creepy-crawly dance off of the couch and your evening guests have no idea what’s going on.
Hopefully the siege ends soon, J3. 😉
Comment by Ash Helling 07.12.12 @ 1:28 amHey there Ash
Yeah leaps and spasms were goofily occurring, but now we’re here in SD, so the house sitter gets to be taunted.
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Poor spiderlings. :^/ But being dropped on unexpectedly must have been unnerving at times. I imagine it could almost be something from a horror movie.
Comment by Ubence 07.10.12 @ 7:29 am