Sunday August 12th 2012, 7:34 pmWell, I knew something was off about today, I could feel it in the air. Just heard the saddest news. Joe Kubert has passed away, he was only 85. This really is horrible, and my heart goes out to the Kubert family. I never had the luxury of meeting him, though I certainly would have loved that. I came to Kubert appreciation a little late in the game. Surprisingly, because I had been exposed to so many great variety of artists from his era before. There was something I just wasn’t getting about his work whenever I encountered it. But there was damn good reason others wanting to learn turned to what he had to offer, why he started a school for our beloved craft. Wasn’t until I’d become a more educated seasoned artist myself that I truly understood the genius of what his work is. Not was, but is, because it will remain a vital part of my understanding of good art for as long I live, it will always be fresh and inspiring, probably well past my life, uplifting others.
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Nice. What really sold me on his work was the Tor and Tarzan work. The expressive qualities were just awe inspiring.
Comment by jhw3 08.13.12 @ 8:44 pmSo very sad. My deepest sympathies to his family and friends. Just a real bummer.
Comment by Pam 08.15.12 @ 2:13 pmLeave a Comment
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I’ve posted my thoughts on his passing on other places in the internet already but I think it’s safe to say that his legacy and talent will live on. This piece he did for Flash Annual #3 featuring the first Flash (Jay Garrick) will always stick with me though: http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/File:Flash_Jay_Garrick_0004.jpg
Comment by CraigM 08.13.12 @ 8:32 pm