Saturday November 03rd 2012, 1:08 amEvery now and then I experience what I best can describe as an artistic memory failure. Having to be creative every day produces some interesting brain problems I feel. And one of them is frustrating as much as it is fascinating. And I don’t know if other artists who need to create every day have this occur. But occasionally I forget how to draw something, and not on something technical or complicated, or something only drawn once in a while, but rather on something I normally would draw on a regular basis. On certain facial positions or lighting effects on a person, or hands, or other things that I have to do daily. Sometimes my brain just refuses to engage properly enough to handle these ordinary things, and I have to force it out of me, which can be exhausting. Not quite sure what causes it, but it does add to difficulties of the tasks when it does, it can make the whole process of the day a fight. I wonder if its attributed to having to draw all of the time with little to no breaks, when sometimes the creative flow just isn’t there, the mind’s way of trying to cope with a certain kind of energy output that is demanded when that mode of thinking is on low ebb.
Brain Stalls
November 2nd 2012
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