New Interviews…
Friday September 04th 2009, 1:29 amSidebar podcast interview and for those of you who like to read interviews, here is a short one at Gotham Knights Online.
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You sounded really laid back. It also sounds like you are doing ‘creator-owned’ work on Detective, even though it isn’t. This run is rivaling some of my old favs. Anything worthy enough to be placed next to Black Panther vol 3 is awesome in my book. Very, very smart getting “assistance research”. I had a good laugh over that. I am glad you got into the industry with the “ranks closed” nonsense going around. I hope Moore thanked you for adding to his legend and I hope Chaykin got a lunch for his ‘town crier’ bit. Looking forward to each vol of Absolute Promethea.
Comment by kudamono 09.05.09 @ 6:41 amHey there kudamono
Thank you and I’m glad that you found the interview of interest, and hopefully it was entertaining too. I can’t remember which part might sound like I’m talking about creator owned work. And yes, when Promethea was finished Alan did indeed thank me for my contributions.
Perhaps it is just me, but when you were discussing Detective, Kane in particular, it seemed to me you were ‘owning’ the character. Not a copyright challenge in the least, just the kind of energy I normally get from a person on a creator-owned work.
Comment by kudamono 09.05.09 @ 2:55 pmHey there Kudamono
I think that makes sense. I suppose Greg and I sort of feel like we do own the character, even though when we are done we know she must be given up to the corporate gods. I tend to put that same amount of energy into everything I work on. I care very much about what I’m doing regardless of ownership of the material. I just want to produce the best work I can, know matter what the situation is.
I think it’s imperative for an artist and a writer to “own” the title they’re working on. We, as readers, are along for the ride, and unless the artist and writer are committed to the work, to the emotions and the development of the characters – then we, the readers, will be done a dis-service.
Please – continue to OWN this title !!
Comment by Pam 09.06.09 @ 4:51 amThanks, Pam. I agree wholeheartedly. If the creators involved in any given project are not going to care about that project fully then they just shouldn’t do it.
Comment by jwh3 09.06.09 @ 12:45 pmLeave a Comment
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Amazing artwork! Listening to your interview as I’m writing this!
Comment by shawn 09.04.09 @ 6:21 am