Sunday November 18th 2012, 12:13 amToday has been pretty nuts, all over the place, leaving me reeling and disjointed. Slamming my head into pieces. Blasting wind and rain, feels a bit metaphoric for the chaos of the day. Trying to resolve website problems, good art sale, discovering the backyard fence is broken and that I can’t fix it properly because the drill isn’t charged, a major unresolved work crisis that I’m trying not to freak the fuck out over, surprisingly finishing a first draft of a script, catching up conversation with Trevor McCarthy about upcoming stories, thinking up a cool idea for the next two pages I have to draw… I feel like there’s something else I’m missing. Can’t think of it right now, my mind is fuzzy, swimming, and my feet are distractingly cold regardless of socks and slippers. So no interesting introspective musings to flesh out here for the blog, just a whirlwind.
This Was Saturday
November 17th 2012
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That is one busy ass day. I’m tired just reading about it.
Comment by scott 11.18.12 @ 12:51 am