

Wednesday November 28th 2012, 10:49 pm

Vileness. Abhorrent depictions of bestial brutality, most of it through twisted monstrous expressions stretching over a face of a primal grotesque ogre with a giant alien hook in place of a hand. Then there is the Deaths Head symbolized within the character of a man with invisible flesh. The things of nightmares. There is something inherently wrong with this picture, of how much I tend to find myself creepily enthused by illustrating the horrific. Even though I know deep down that its quite disturbing, there is an attraction to it. I’m unsure if it comes from the challenge it brings to the imagination, or possibly its human nature to be fascinated by the absurd regardless of which extremes get portrayed. I mean if I were to see the same images live and vividly real on the evening news, it would make me want to vomit. So its strangely alluring how different it all becomes when writing or illustrating, it tickles the mind quite captivatingly. And obviously I’m not the only person to feel this, considering how much of these types of images live within so many stories told from various cultures and mediums through artistic history. But it balances out by the equal amounts of beauty, and honest love and compassion that also exists within tales born from the human mind and heart. Both the horrific and the beautiful trigger similar emotional and subliminal sensations whether we wish to admit that or not.

Creating Mean
November 28th 2012

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Okay, say it with me:
Now wring your hands menacingly with a devilish grin and throw a cape over your face.
There, now, doesn’t that feel better?

Comment by Ash Helling 11.29.12 @ 1:02 pm

Hey Ash

Comment by jhw3 11.29.12 @ 11:55 pm

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