Sunday December 02nd 2012, 12:18 amFlowery and sweet, silky and thin between my fingers. The air is thick with heat and humidity. A lavender potent but easing as it wafts from the bubbly billows that smoothly drift along the curves of my arm. Standing in purity, a pelting down of manufactured warm rain, fleshing weary oily eyes with brisk toiling hands. The uneven static sound of water washing against coated plastic drowns out any other distractions, leaving my mind to momentarily just live in whatever thoughts that lazily bob in. Oh yes, I’d forgotten to ink in part of a glider-pack while doing brush work today. Glider, glide. Gliding along, the creamy puffs lightly tickle my feet, slowly swirling in dissipation from droplets pecking at the shiny pockets as I stare downward, basking in a massaging torrent. I breathe in heavily, the lavender permeating my pores, feeling supple, buffed squeaky from head to toe.
Dr. Bonner’s Magic Soap In The Shower
December 1st 2012
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