

Thursday November 29th 2007, 9:01 pm


Not really much to report on or talk about of late. Work is going fine. I’m at the half way point of the first issue of the project that is “unnamed” and it is all turning out well so far. The other parties involved seem to be pleased as well. Taking a little break from it though to work on the final Crossing Midnight covers and to do an interior page for issue 16. It looks like the final issue will be 19. I’m saddened to see it end. I think it was really an outstanding project and everyone really put their love into it. But the series just couldn’t drum up enough financial support unfortunately. I very much enjoyed my part in it’s production providing the covers. It gave me a different and challenging creative output from the interior pages I’ve been working on. It really had a creatively open aspect that I always found refreshing to work with stylistically. The series will get entirely collected from what I’ve been told so maybe it find new life in that format.

Gallery and Store…

I’ve been working diligently to get the content ready for the expansion of the gallery section. When it gets updated soon it will grow by massive amounts and continue to do so. My goal is to offer a solid compendium of works for it to provide hours of amusement for those who want to spend their time looking at my work from over the years.
I’ve also been getting the content together for the opening of the store which will feature original art and sketchbooks and other limited goodies to follow. More news when it launches.


Went and saw HIM in SF a couple weeks ago at the Warfield. Great show, even though they seemed to have some sound problems. Ville (their singer), along with the rest of band, took things in stride and didn’t let the annoyance they clearly were having get them down. They were determined to have a good time and give us one as well. The opening act though left something to be desired. They’re called Bleeding Through and are a metal outfit that wasn’t very good. But then I’m really picky when it comes to metal. My idea of great metal is along the lines of Black Sabbath or Motorhead. In my opinion Bleeding Through don’t even scratch the surface of those mentioned bands’ quality. The vocalist also was bit undeservedly arrogant when saying things like…”we don’t mean to intimidate you with our scary music”. Oh please! I’ve been listening to bands way more scary than they could ever hope to be for decades. Hell, Nefilim would destroy them. Yes, I’m sure you can tell I’m a little annoyed. But there is nothing I can’t stand more than being talked down to by wanna-be-badass-rockers. Aren’t I being just cheery?


I hope you all here in states had a good holiday weekend. I pretty much had too much homemade mac and cheese, slept a lot, and took care of a sick bunny.

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