Tuesday December 24th 2013, 12:37 pm4 Comments so far
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happy HO to you and Wendy too! And great satan dancing with big lizzards an all that stuff in the new year! 😉
Batwoman 26 came out today. Not saying anything good or bad about it but it made me realized how brutal your departure from that title was. I heard rumors back in the summer that there was a disagreement and fair enough. That stuff happens in the real world.
issue 24 was no place to leave it off. I almost thought i forgot to pull an issue so i looked back and saw the Zero Year which they did to a ton of titles so whatever but your last arc had no conclusion at all.
After i went to DC comics website for some explanation and after that left me more confused i just googled your website.
BTW EFFING LOVING SANDMAN <3 and i've always loved your art.
I should have started like that but i was emotional and confused getting here.
I read you blog post from October and that really sucks man. I can even imagine the rough time your having if I'm flipping out not hearing the ending. Not telling it would be awful.
Any chance that it might be resolved in the future?
If only just a fan version with all the names changed? BATLADY: BLOOD IS VISCOUS, The webecomic?
Just one day. I`m sure you are crazy busy with Sandman cus OH MAH GEEZE.
Anyways i`ll buy what ever you make forever. I`m sure you know we are here, just a friendly reminder for the start of 2014.
PS Elegy is how i got all my art school friends into comic. You`re amazing.
Comment by M 01.01.14 @ 8:37 pmHey there M
Yeah, it was a very difficult situation that arose, and a difficult decision as well. All resulting in DC not allowing us to finish our storyline. From what I understand there will be an attempt to wrap the story we started in a Batwoman annual this spring, but it will NOT be by us. It will most likely not contain anything we had intended for the last two chapters of this arc. Mainly because we had made alterations to the ending plot to suit DC’s needs and requests, but that newly changed material was never placed into a formal document for them to pull from. So we’ll see what ends up happening to the story.
But lets not dwell on the bad stuff… I’m thrilled you liked Sandman. I’m really having a good time working on this very challenging tale. Thanks for the kind comments.
Comment by jhw3 01.04.14 @ 10:22 pmLeave a Comment
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J3 – Hope you had a great holiday season. Here’s wishing you and yours a very Happy and Healthy New Year!
~ Pam
Comment by Pam 12.27.13 @ 1:43 pm