
Art Against Bigotry & Fascism

Sunday June 07th 2020, 2:10 pm

A lot of dark things have been going on. My wife and I have been trying to help dealing with it in various ways. Here’s a graphic we designed together for people to use. And in a range of color options.

We chose bigotry purposefully because it encompasses all forms of prejudice that lead to oppression. Fascism is the tool of the oppressor. Our goal with this symbol is to speak toward a desire for justice and solidarity.

The symbol design meaning —
The nine outer points along the circle edge formed by the combination of the A and the graphic background are adapted from an old symbol that represents the nine art Muses.

We hope that you like this enough to use and promote in any way you like
Art Against Bigotry and Fascism - multi
Art Against Bigotry and Fascism - red
Art Against Bigotry and Fascism - blue
Art Against Bigotry and Fascism - green
Art Against Bigotry and Fascism - pink
Art Against Bigotry and Fascism - purple
Art Against Bigotry and Fascism - yellow
Art Against Bigotry and Fascism - orange
Art Against Bigotry and Fascism - red, white, blue

1 Comment so far
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I’m still passing word about this resource along, years onward. Seems apropos, particularly now!

Comment by Dwight Williams 02.14.25 @ 8:23 pm

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