

Saturday August 04th 2007, 7:59 pm

As everyone can see my blogs went to shit just before i had to leave for con. Blame it on cheap equipment and no backups. Hopefully no events like this again. We are trying to see if anyone subscribed to the blog in order to get them archived. From now I am no longer writing these on the program used for posting so that way I have a backup here at home.
Now that I’m somewhat recovered from con-monster 2007, and diligently trying to get back into the swing of things, I recently found out that DC is planning biweekly shipping on my Batman issues this month. So both 667 and 668 will ship this month and I’m sort of irked about it because I’m not done with 669 yet so now that one may be late. Not happy about that. Apparently a previous issue was late and they are trying to make up time at my expense. Yayy me. So be warned. We will do our best to not be late with 669. Also I came to find out that DC decided NOT to announce my new project during the convention and didn’t warn me of this. So I’m feeling sort of like a dork telling everyone that the announcement was coming. I even went as far as telling people at the con what exactly the project is going to be when asked what I’ve got coming up. Really bad communication from the powers that be. However, an official announcement should arise someday. Those loving bastards.
On to fun con stuff…
The NAKED FAT RAVE booth was even more successful this year and shaping up to be even bigger next year for the 5th year anniversary. After 2 days I was finally able to talk to the artist most influentially responsible for me wanting to be a comicbook artist and he was in our booth this year. I was acting like a 12 year old knowing he was right there, sitting only 10 feet away, not knowing what to say to him. This person is Michael Golden. If you don’t know who he is I can’t help you. It turns out that he is quite a nice guy (you never know what to expect when meeting your idols). It was a thrill of a lifetime for me to meet him and tell him how much of inspiration his work has been to me all of my life. His work is brilliant beyond words. My wife Wendy even bought me an original Fantastic Four art cover from him and surprised me in a very devious Wendy-like way (our friends know what that means). Very overwhelming. She is the best!
We got to see Grant for a bit as well and managed to loosely talk about the creator owned project we are planning for down the road. Its gonna be a killer.
My spotlight panel went off beautifully. So I must thank Laurenn McCubbin, Grant Morrison, Scott Johnson, and all of those who showed up for it, for making me feel all warm and fuzzy. You guys are awesome. And thanks to John Fannucchi for helping choose images for the slide show. All of the interview stuff went smoothly even though I was nervous as sin. I”m not very comfortable speaking publicly and the seats were pretty full. Maybe 250 to 300 attendees? One thing thats a bit disappointing is that I haven’t found much coverage of the panel on the web. Which is strange because I saw people filming and stuff. I wanted to see that film. I’ve only come across one small article.
I’ve been invited to join Bruce Timm in a project which will showcase many amazing talents and I’m honored to be asked to be a part of it. Now I have to think of something really cool for it.
Spoke to the late Seth Fisher’s mother for a time as well, as she brought over a cover piece that Seth had done for the Batman: Snow story that we worked on together before he passed away tragically. It was very emotional for us and we were honored that she remembered how much we wanted something of his work from that project to remember him by. Our love continually goes out to Seth’s family and friends. We miss him dearly.
I was approached by someone from Sam Raimi’s production company in regards to them wanting access to Desolation Jones. Apparently they’ve been trying to see about getting the film rights from Warner Brothers and that WB is holding onto the material without actually moving forward on the subject. This is the first I’ve heard of this and don’t know if Mister Ellis was already aware of the volley ball with the property so I sent this person to talk with Ellis since he was at the show.
I got to see a copy of the new 24/7 book due out now. This includes a second story by our esteemed webmaster Frank Beaton who was also involved in the first volume. It looks to be even better than the first and thats saying a lot.
Lots of positive feedback from certain key individuals in regards to a personal project that I’ve been developing for awhile. So that just may be able to get off the ground and get published somehow by someone someday.
The show was an insane mad house overall. Something like 175,000 people came through those doors. We stayed up to the wee hours of the morning on too many nights, hence still in recovery mode. So much happened that I’m having trouble remembering everything to post here.
Anyway… back to work for me.

8 Comments so far
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Hi Jim,

Good to see you this year as always, and I just wanted to tell you I attended your spotlight panel, and thought it went very well.


Comment by Todd Klein 08.05.07 @ 7:27 am

hey there todd
it was great to see you too. next year we should have lunch or something. and yeah i was pretty pleased with the panel, glad you liked it. by the way, i spoke to people at DC and its looking good for you to be the letterer on the upcoming project.

Comment by jwh3 08.05.07 @ 9:39 pm

I, too, was one of the 250-300 at your panel. In fact, it was the first panel I caught at the con. Had a great time, and if you were indeed nervous, take solace in the fact that you did in no way convey it. I also picked up a pair of your sketchbooks at the Naked Fat Rave booth; thanks for being so gracious. Looking forward to your visit to Isotope up here in San Francisco. My best to you in all your endeavors — I look forward to every one!


Comment by Brian Schirmer 08.06.07 @ 10:06 am

Thanks for the shout-out, sweetie.


[That was the sound of me kissing Jim full on the lips. After calling him “sweetie”. Welcome to the post-Morrison era in comics.]

Comment by Frank Beaton 08.06.07 @ 10:51 am

ewww!!! frank slobber kiss!!! everyone run!!!

Comment by jwh3 08.06.07 @ 7:59 pm

Frank, don’t you know that before you get to open mouth kiss Jim… you have to swap ridiculous sunglasses? 😉

Comment by Scott Johnson 08.06.07 @ 10:56 pm

Jim, that’s a lot of words you typed in this post – welcome back!

I’m sad that I didn’t make your panels at the convention (I was there in spirit!). Glad to hear that you sold out of you sketchbooks because of course they’re awesome (I’m glad I got mine!).

This week’s Batman was uber uber keen except for when the writer insists on having his words which get in the way of your art (grin). Seriously this was really good and I hope when DC collects this three part story they’ll not have it be part of a collection (but I suspect that’s what they’ll do).

Comment by Ralph Matieu 08.09.07 @ 6:37 pm

Set your own life more simple get the loans and everything you want.

Comment by Newton28Mollie 09.14.11 @ 7:16 am

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