Tuesday November 23rd 2010, 11:01 pmNow that I’m finally back from all of the jaunting around Europe, which was fantastic, here is some news.
A bit of round table discussion at CBR about the release this week of Batwoman: Zero with some preview material to go along with it. The issue was written by me and Haden Blackman, with art by me and Amy (who did a great job of deciphering our words of inspiration). Then we have color by the incomparable Dave Stewart. It’s a bit of a tricky and experimental book, where Amy and I share art space together on almost every page. The end results are pretty unique and I’m really happy with the overall affect. It serves as very nice bridge from what came before on the first run in Detective Comics by Greg Rucka and I, and a primer to what is to come in February for issue 1.
And last week saw the release of Batman Inc. #1, which some of you may have seen that I did the cover for. I’m pegged to do the covers on that series, along with my duties on Batwoman, until I feel like it’s too much. I’ve done the first 4 covers so far and will begin previewing those shortly.
Art on issue 1 of Batwoman has been done for some time now, and now that my travels have ceased, work has commenced on art for issue 2. The scripts are done up to issue 4, and for issue 6 (Amy’s first issue). The first 2 covers are done as well, previews to come this weekend. I’m feeling like the work is turning out well and hope that you all will find some enjoyment in our efforts.
12 Comments so far
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Hey there J.
Thanks very much, I’m pleased that you liked our efforts enough to see what comes next.
Good zero issue. I love how you and amys art match up togethor in that one moment. I just love seeing those symetrical panels, and storytelling. Plus,Dave Stewart is the best colorist ever! great stuff all around, I can’t wait to check the continuing adventures of Batwoman.
Comment by Randy 11.24.10 @ 6:42 pmQuick question. Is the panel where Kate responds with her training to Bruce’s bat attack still Amy or your drawing?
Parts of Dave Stewart’s colors make it look like the art-style of one of your drawings, but naturally that would complicate (albeit, in interesting ways) the dual art projects…
Comment by paul 11.26.10 @ 12:16 pmJ3 – Kate is back !! Whoowhoo !!! Thanks so much for an amazing issue !!
Now, the big question – when will any of the art be up for sale in your store?
Again, well done!! It’s so great.
~ Pam
Hey there Paul
All of the art for the top portion of that spread was Amy.
Hey there Pam
I’m glad you liked the issue. I’m not sure just yet when I’ll get the art up. After just returning back from an extended overseas trip, also with the holidays happening soon, and my work schedule, I’m having difficulty finding time to handle this thoroughly. I may hold off until issue 1 comes out and place both issues up at the same time. keep in mind though, that when they do, they will feature only the portions that I drew. Amy’s art was done separately, and then we digitally composited them.
Oh, man, I love the issue. Truly, it was great to read and art was striking. I love the split panels with Amy, btw. They give each page a very special and unique feel. And, as always, the color is so vibrant. I just loved it.
Guess I’ll have to pass on getting myself a holiday gift of Batwoman 0 art, but I do look forward to pages going up for sale with issue 1.
Thanks again!
~ Pam
I’m so excited for this title but I’m worried about delays. The last thing I want is being teased with issue #1 and waiting forever the next round. I guess I always assumed that the Zero issue was to build hype and give you and Amy a bit more lead time. Hopefully I’m way off base and you have a comfortable lead schedule. Great work as usual, by the way! Hoping the stories do it justice.
Comment by Brandan 12.11.10 @ 6:27 pmHey there Brandon
Well , it’s funny that you bring up the schedule, we’re trying to sort that out right now. We feel that things might be a bit rushed and we are working on solving any of our concerns.
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I just picked up and read the Batwoman issue #0. It was amazing! Great job, Jim and Co.! I can’t wait until February for the regular series! Batman Inc. cover was very good as well! Loved the background color contrast with the iconic image of Batman! Just awesome…
Comment by .j. christopher greulich 11.24.10 @ 1:28 pm