

Saturday July 19th 2008, 7:11 pm


Just came back from Dark Knight. What an astonishingly fantastic film. The plot unfolds in a very operatic fashion with character plots weaving in and out of each other to form a mesmerizing whole. There are places where Ledger’s performance as the Joker are truly nightmarish without being grotesque and over exaggerated. No camera and editing tricks to convince you of his madness. All purely done with his performance and acute acting skills. People saying that he should get a posthumous award are absolutely fucking right! It’s a shame we will never get to see a reprisal role. I loved all of the little subplot material that they really didn’t need to do, but I’m glad they did it anyway. It just made for a more textural story. And Harvey Dent’s storyline develops in a very monstrous way that completely engrosses you to an emotional and overwhelming state that you’re left almost speechless at the physical and psychological horror of it. Just as compelling as the Joker portions of the story. It really seems like we got two films in one without the loss of cohesiveness. There are a few very minor dangling threads left unfinished. Either these will be explained with the inevitable deleted scenes or they thought it better to be answered in the 3rd installment. Go see it!


We will be down in San Diego for the next week at the “Big Show”. I can be found lurking around the NAKED FAT RAVE booth with numerous other talented degenerates. Come by and say hello to help keep me from becoming too bored with all of the usual madness that is “Con”. I’ll be doing some sketching and have some original pages with me, along with stuff for my as yet to be announced project. Sales in the online store will be temporarily suspended until I return.


Just saw the initial colors for my Jonah Hex and they are amazing. But what should I expect from my cohort in crime, the incomparable Dave Stewart.


Here is some images i’ve done recently (click and enjoy)…

These are for 2 covers I’ve done for some Final Crisis Superman stuff. The first one went through 3 minor variations of color adjustments…
This next one is a commission piece that I had done…

6 Comments so far
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Oh man, those are so awesome! First of all, Superman Beyond is bound to be awesome just because Grant’s writing it, but then you add the Mahnke art and your covers? Geekgasm! I love what you do with watercolours. It’s just too amazing. I’m still geeking out on that Batman pic. You should seriously be the artist for a Batman book for a long length of time. Thanks so much for posting this, it’s really inspiring stuff!

And I’ll see you in SD!

Comment by Craig 07.20.08 @ 1:37 pm

hey there craig
thank you so much for the kind words. glad you like ’em.

Comment by jwh3 07.20.08 @ 1:52 pm

It’s official, JH really needs to be on Batman full time. I… need… more… 😉

Comment by Adam 07.23.08 @ 9:13 am

i’m going to need a much bigger brain.

Comment by ivan brandon 08.05.08 @ 3:41 pm

hey there ivan
your brain is already big enough, you super intelligent person you! it was great to see you at con. although entirely too briefly.

Comment by jwh3 08.05.08 @ 7:57 pm

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