Monday January 02nd 2012, 9:34 amA protrusion of round hardness, slightly long but small in size. Getting extremely close to it though, makes it seem as if it were some giant strange trunk or trumpet, extending sideways off a vertical spire of copper and brass. It’s blackness slightly muted or dulled, and it has fine cuts of valleys forming angled pointed ridges that run around it’s wider fatter blunt end. These taper down it’s shaft toward the spire that it is embedded into. The insertion end, cut and beveled running around the circumference, where it enters a shiny smooth opening. There are the tiniest of grayish fibrous particles that have planted themselves along the top side, some filling in the valleyed ridges, making the shapes more distinctly visible. The texture of the ridges against my skin, is like the tongue of a cat, but just slightly as I twist it in a clockwise turn, to hear the mundanely familiar click. A flash illuminates, a rapid burst of fluorescent white. And tiny little particles flirt up into the air, catching the light, like spec sized planets floating through space.
Turning On The Lamp
January 2nd 2012
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