Saturday January 21st 2012, 9:42 pmLong moist streaks cross the flatness of the reddish grain texture, like some dry wooden desert. “Hhsss” goes the steamy voice of the meticulously designed contraption. Sleekly aerodynamic steel, tall with a rounded grasping hold to push off against, sending it forward it broad swooshing motions. Midway down the arm sits a plastic hollowed oval tank. Slish, slosh goes the liquid inside, as the device sways back and forth from the command of my sweating limbs. Jutting outward, then back to me, again and again. With the wide clothed base, it speedily soaks up grime and gunky residue of hundreds of walked steps by man and animal. Spots of grayish mirk disappear, scuffs absorb away, while millions of microscopic worlds must be torn asunder by the hot wet breath it blows. But I’m sure some escape the destruction of the giant machine god larger than a bacteria’s heavens. The floor can be claimed as clean, fit to be seen.
Using The Steam Mop
January 21st 2012
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