

Saturday January 28th 2012, 7:50 pm

Sitting for the past hour or so with a plain white paper drink cup in my hands, filled with foamy steamy brewed stimulating goodness, my elixir vice of choice. The atmosphere of the place is simplistic, rudimentary, and direct. Thats not to say its not without style, just slightly bohemian. Wooden tables and chairs of basic designs, local art displayed, that sort of thing. The people working are all very friendly and it seems the same can be said for the customers sitting out front in the fresh air too, strangers asking me about my unfinished tattoo work. The rest of the time is spent, discussing with a relatively new friend, internet theories and various forms of usage. On how advancement of application could be garnered for creative and exploration purposes, especially for comics. Pretty far out for my mode of thinking, but fascinating. I feel challenged by the discussion, in the fact I know so little about just how much the world wide web hasn’t come close to reaching full potentials. Enlightening information on this relatively mundane day. The feel of the conversation is fresh and intelligent, while vaguely noting the music drifting along in the background recesses of other chatter. I don’t quite have a sense of comfort here yet, its still so new to me. I’ve been uncertain in unfamiliar surroundings of late, it puts me off kilter. Thinking about this just now, I find it kind of strange, I don’t remember feeling this way years ago. Maybe its my age setting in, the world moving so rapidly by comparison to myself. The sun is begging to vanish over the far westerly mountaintops as I unlock my car door, about to head back to my homey contentment. However, I will never tire of the deep rich flavor of discovery.

This Afternoon At Coffee Bandits
January 28th 2012

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