Sunday January 29th 2012, 7:24 pmStanding tall with lush reddish earthy tones and part of a pair, but yet only one of many that lives steadily in this house. Crammed within its embrace tightly, are probably a hundreds of fantasies to be had, from generations of timeless imaginations, but somewhat overwrought with dusty crevices as these worlds are only explored so often. It lifts and provides for denizens of all types of color and various textures. Some sophisticated and matured, while others are certainly childish but nostalgic by fond memories and daydreams. Its protection of these numerous adoptive manufactured lives has been made difficult from being overburdened, squared apartments not quite large enough to contain all that need a fine home. Therefore, stacks are packed forcibly into cramped spaces, causing some tales to hang on for dear safety by very slim margins. But all that it cuddles within it’s rigid walls matter, and adored. So it does the job proudly as best as it can. Ready to deliver any one of these imprinted progeny to the loving willing hands of a patron of exquisitely drafted arts.
A Bookshelf In My Living Room
January 29th 2012
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