Out this week.
Tuesday February 07th 2012, 9:16 pmBatwoman 6 will hit stores this week. Starting a new arc written by Haden and I, with art duties being taken on by Amy Reeder (Batwoman:Zero, Madame Xanadu). This new 6 part story has an unusual set up, six different points of view moving through time, all leading forward to now. The plot being sort of a spy action thriller with an unorthodox structure. Although a new arc, it definitely continues from where Hydrology left off. And events in this new story will lead directly into arc 3. It was challenging for us to write, but I think it pays off as the story proceeds. Or so I hope. I’m hard at work drawing the first chapter of arc 3 right now, but lets welcome Amy aboard on this first chapter for arc 2 “To Drown The World”. Below is her cover to issue 6.
8 Comments so far
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I loved this issue, and now I understand when you said months ago something about the “overarching story”. This was my review for issue #6:
With a style all her own, Reeder brings tons of energy and vigor to the art department, while keeping true to the fluid and versatile layouts that are so distinctive in this title. The art transition between Williams III and Reeder is indeed seamless despite their talents being so different. The writing is fantastic as well; telling the story from six points of view at different points in time, Williams III and Blackman create a strong sense of inevitability; as if the characters are spiraling down towards an unavoidable fate where they are bound to collide with each other. And this is only the first part of the arc! The Weeping Woman was just the tip of an amazingly well written and illustrated iceberg.
Comment by JoseVCC 02.09.12 @ 10:58 amHey there JoseVCC
Thanks for such a nice write up. I’m glad you liked it so much.
Oooo… This cover just echoes “We soldier on”. I’m lovin’ the line weights, reflected light, and seafoamish neutrals. Gotta get a copy!
Comment by Ashley Helling 02.14.12 @ 9:46 pmNothing against the new art on Batwoman, but this is just to say that you’re art was outstanding and all too unique in contemporary, corporate comics. I’m usually turned off by so much of what’s out there, but you have evoked such an atmosphere, along with many innovative ideas and approaches.
As a developing comic artist, I can’t help but count you into my sources of comic art inspiration. Also, I hope we get to see, at least some of this personal project you’ve been working on.
Hello Charro
Thank you very much for such sweet words about my work. I’m always trying to find new ways of laying out a page or spread. It can be tough on a book like Batwoman, because there is some limitations on just how experimental it can go without losing the aspect of it being a mainstream superhero book. First and foremost it has to be the right kind of story.
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Wow, striking and fantastic cover! Can’t wait to get my issue!
Comment by Pam 02.08.12 @ 4:16 am