
Absolute Promethea Vol. 1 bookcover…

Monday February 02nd 2009, 10:44 pm

Black and white pen and ink version…
This process version below has some minor digital tweaking and a couple color element. This is what colorist Jeromy Cox will be using for the final color version, which will be posted when I get it.

16 Comments so far
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Stunning. Great composition. Do you put a lot of thought into the organizing/structuring of components within a composition like this, or after so many years of doing it does it just flesh itself out naturally without much forethought? I would think for a piece as complex as this, it would take as just as long for myself to lay it out as it would to render it. Maybe confidence come into play there too. Confidence that comes from experience, no?

Comment by Brian Churilla 02.03.09 @ 1:09 am

Hello Brian

Glad you like it.

I’d say that 95% of my compositions are done right on the spot during the layout process. No thumbnails. Particularly with something that needs to feel organic. I find it best to just let the drawing dictate to me what it needs as I go along. The layout for this took me about 3 hours of roughing it out in non photo blue pencil on the original art board and then I went straight inks.

Comment by jwh3 02.03.09 @ 2:16 am

In this instance, did you have a very succinct image in your head when you started, or is it sort of a stream-of-consciousness process? Was there much art direction?

Comment by Brian Churilla 02.03.09 @ 2:31 am

stunning work, JH, thank you very much. I already started selling the crack for september.

Comment by cmeyriat 02.03.09 @ 9:49 am

Hello again Brian
For most part, all I really knew is that I wanted to use that border design at the start. The rest just sort of filled itself in. It was best to do it this way because I knew certain characters needed to be present without fail. When working on it I thought about having the 5 Swell Guys in there somewhere but there just wasn’t enough room for them, all of the various Promethea incarnations, and the Weeping Gorilla joke. So I opted for the joke as a priority just because it adds some levity and thought to it all.

Comment by jwh3 02.03.09 @ 10:26 am

Hello there cmeyriat
Thank you and you can blame it all on me if you get busted 🙂

Comment by jwh3 02.03.09 @ 10:29 am

Jim, I posted some love for you and Absolute Promethea over on my blog: today!

Comment by Ralph Mathieu 02.05.09 @ 5:43 pm

The above link should be:

Comment by Ralph Mathieu 02.05.09 @ 5:45 pm

thanks Ralph
You are too kind.

Comment by jwh3 02.05.09 @ 8:39 pm

you are a great artist…

Comment by essay writers 02.09.10 @ 1:24 pm

I find it best to just let the drawing dictate to me what it needs as I go along. The layout for this took me about 3 hours of roughing it out in non photo blue pencil on the original art board and then I went straight inks.

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You’re welcome. I’m glad you liked it.

Comment by jhw3 11.25.10 @ 11:56 am

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