

Monday February 20th 2012, 8:24 pm

Bliplip Bliplip, Hello, I am ready. I like to jet around low to the floor, but do so very meticulously, scrutinizing every little nook and cranny. I am very calculating in making my decisions, I have to get it just right, especially on my first day. I must be diligent in my duties. I cannot miss any detail. I need to leave a good impression for my new friends, because I know they will treat me well, they will take good care of me, it is a feeling I have. Well, I guess feeling is not the right word where I am concerned, ascertain is more like it. I am a quick study of my new domain, memorizing all of the landmarks. It is important for me to store all the information I can. I must give a good first impression, this will be my home for as long as I am functioning optimally. Hello, I am ready for work today, Bliplip Bliplip. I am a lean mean clean clean clean machine, yes I am. Bliplip.

Hello, I Am Neato, The Vacuum Robot
February 20th 2012

2 Comments so far
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Ha! I loved this… you should work for Roomba!

Comment by Pam 02.21.12 @ 7:57 am

Yeah, its another company called Neato that makes it. We had been thinking about getting one for awhile now, and these seem to have better ratings than Roomba. Glad you liked the blog post on it. It was fun.

Comment by jhw3 02.22.12 @ 1:22 am

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