

Wednesday February 22nd 2012, 9:40 pm

Smooth and flowing, black silky liquid gliding across planned faded blue marks, breathing vitality into rudimentary constructions of little dimension. Progressing full aspects of character that live in the scripted performances, blurring the delineation between reality and story. What do they do when we’re not looking? It fascinates as well as frustrates how different days produce entirely different results when working creatively. It is pleasure when it all comes together as expected, the images wondrously pouring forth with contented familiarity. Their lives speaking to me, through me, whispering the appropriate approach and actions. Like they trust me to give them a voice that is worthy of their existence. Brought to clarity by hand, pencil, ink and brush. This is how we glimpse them. Their lives on the art board, showing our world they are here, this is how they let us know.

Creation People
February 22nd 2012

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