Friday March 02nd 2012, 11:06 pmA flowing from the nether workings my subconscious, where synapses meld with universes, are sparks of notions becoming self aware. Propelling from esoteric abstractions to take root into some form of cohesive narrative that we call thoughts. Language ebbing in jittering spurts of verbose tangents onto the screen, my pad, my booklet of musings. Formative and questioning each and every choice. Looking for the right combinations and interpretations that have purpose. Made into simple directness, but with covert subtexts. Conceptualizations born from unknown recesses, Story is looking for story, an entertaining story that can resonate, at least hopefully so. One that can last, one that can be valued beyond this moment. My meager worded inscriptions attempting to be worthy of what is being whispered within me. I am listening as best as I can.
Downloading From Ideaspace
March 2nd 2012
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