
Detective Comics 854 (Batwoman 1) page 5…

Thursday May 14th 2009, 10:06 am

…in black and white. Click away.

5 Comments so far
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Hello Mr Williams!

Great page as always. BatWoman looks stunning! I Will you be posting colored versions soon? I noticed that the page is quite similar to the page you posted earlier. I was wondering if you are going for a consistent look throughout the book? what is the reasoning behind the beautifully shaped panels in the middle?

Comment by jun00ni 05.15.09 @ 8:49 pm

Those panels really remind me of those old school action movies of the 70s. Something that Tarentino has revived recently.

Comment by jun00ni 05.15.09 @ 8:52 pm

Hey there jun00ni
Thanks for the nice comment. I will post color versions at a later time, considering that color previews of the first 5 pages have already been released by the publisher elsewhere on the web. I will be posting only one more preview page before the launch next month because after that page there are some visual surprises that I want to remain a pure experience for the reader as they read the issue. And yes, there will be consistency in the look of things, but there are major style shifts that happen depending on what sequence is being presented. For example, all of the Batwoman sequences will have a certain look and style that is specific to when Batwoman is active in uniform, then the style dramatically shifts to a different look when she is in her civilian life as Kate Kane. There will other style manipulations beyond that as well. It will all make sense visually as the series progresses. This idea is a further extension of things I’ve done numerously in the past. I can say the same thing about the panel design shapes and attitudes as well, those change dramatically depending what the sequence or character is, bringing a change to the atmosphere of the story when needed. Again this will become clear as the series progresses. The best thing I can say about it is that from a design sense the readers will have to take the series as a whole and not on an individual issue basis, even though different things visually happen from issue to issue, when the series is looked at in it’s entirety there will be connecting themes that become apparent. Or so I hope. This should enrich the rereading experience.

Comment by jwh3 05.16.09 @ 10:50 am

This is a nice site and I wanted to post a note to let you know, good job! Thanks

Comment by nobi 03.24.11 @ 1:18 am

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