

Friday May 29th 2009, 2:19 pm

at Newsarama.

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Hi J.H.
I read the interview and found very informative.
It’s amazing that you don’t do any thumbnails in advance. Because your pagelayout looks very designed it’s hard to believe you do it at the real page. In my opinion Alex Toth is one of the best pagedesigners. His layout is directed by the story. So if a certain layout looks pretty but doesn’t do anything for the story, I think the artist missed the point of telling a story well.
I’ve seen some fancy panellayouts of the upcoming ‘Tec Batwoman and I’m looking forward to the story. Do you see the images in your head or do they come up when you’re are drawing on the page? What comes first, the pagedesign and afterwards you fill in the panels? Or do you have an set of images and arrange them in a set of panels? Again I’m looking forward to ‘Tec!
Michel Nadorp

Comment by Michel Nadorp 06.03.09 @ 12:08 pm

Hey there Michel
Basically the design and images for the panels themselves sort of come to me at the same time, at least for the main focus images of a any given page. Picturing it in my head is always a bit different than when I’m actually drawing though. So sometimes things will get altered or tweaked to fit what needs to be seen by the reader, for the storytelling clarity. My main goal with designing is to make sure that the storytelling isn’t sacrificed in service of the design. The design should be an enhancement or comment of the attitudes or atmospheres of the scenes.

Comment by jwh3 06.04.09 @ 1:39 am

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