Wednesday September 19th 2012, 1:29 am
The new Batwoman 0 hits the shelves this week. This one is an interlude into the current story arc, while still giving us previously unknown details and expansions of some of Kate’s past, especially some of her training. What is equally exciting to us is this also is very much about Jacob Kane, Kate’s father, and their relationship. It gives some insight into who Jacob is a bit more, while alluding to just how a military minded man, which is normally about unity acting in a team capacity, was in a mindset to support his daughter going it alone as a vigilante. And it teases some hints about some things and ideas to come.
Stylistically the issue was an interesting challenge, adopting a different art style for large portions of the story and a more simplistic design approach by removing the idea and use of any double page spreads, which Batwoman is notorious for, results as the perfect choice for the type of story being told. This combined with a continuation from issue 12 in the use of heavier prose like captions makes for an issue of Batwoman unlike any that have come before it.
Here is the basic art, color, and text design by me that was implemented by DC for their 0 issue initiative cover design template.

Tuesday September 18th 2012, 9:59 pm
The info on Batwoman 15 is slightly wrong. It lists Trevor McCarthy as artist, but fails to mention that I’m doing art on it as well, end cap pages. The story details in the solicit are also incorrect, while still an essential part of the current arc, the story shifts focus onto Maggie Sawyer and how she is dealing with everything, a pretty cool chapter, and gives us more about who she is. This is part of a planned interlude chapter into the main story. All will make sense when you read it.
Monday September 10th 2012, 7:00 am
We can finally reveal the art images for The Sword: Apocryphon album. First up is the main front cover. Below that is the official press release. Below that will be images of everything else, I’ve decided to show as much as I can, including some images of the merch that is available, all featuring some aspect of my designs. So a lot to sort through.
Front Cover for the vinyl and CD.

Press Release.
Pre-Order Begins Today With Multiple Packages Available at
On October 22nd, The Sword will release their fourth album, Apocryphon. Being huge fans of comic book art, the band was thrilled to have award winning author, illustrator, and designer J.H. Williams III (DC Comics Batwoman, Batman, Promethea) design the entire album package.
Apocryphon is a 10 track album featuring the following songs:
• Veil of Isis
• Cloak of Feathers
• Arcane Montane
• The Hidden Masters
• Dying Earth
• Execrator
• Seven Sisters
• Hawks and Serpents
• Eyes Of the Stormwitch
• Apocryphon
The album will be released on multiple formats including CD, Deluxe Digipak, Digital, Picture Disc Vinyl, Colored Vinyl and Cassette. Apocryphon is available starting today for pre-order in the following packages at
• CD, digital download, 24×36 poster
• Lava Orange Vinyl, digital download
• Picture Disc Vinyl, digital download
• CD, digital download, 24×36 poster, Baseball T
• CD, digital download, 24×36 poster, Woman T
• Lava Orange Vinyl, digital download, 24×36 poster, Baseball T
• Lava Orange Vinyl, digital download, 24×36 poster, Woman T
• Picture Disc Vinyl, digital download, 24×36 poster, Baseball T
• Picture Disc Vinyl, digital download, 24×36 poster, Woman T
Ultimate (Limited to 200)
• CD, picture disc vinyl, digital download, autographed 18×24 lithograph, both shirts, cassette
For all information on The Sword, go to:!/theswordofdoom!/thesword
Kerri Brusca Razor & Tie Media Relations
(212) 598-2255
Label Roster Artwork and Press Materials for Download:
Back Cover for the vinyl and CD.

Inner Cover for the vinyl and CD.

Vinyl in-sleeve, and CD package art.

Vinyl and CD labels, note the red line marks are for production purposes only.

CD booklet back and front cover.

Interior images for the CD booklet.

Now onto some of the merch items. These will be available through the Sword site, not my store. Go to
But here are some images of what you’ll find. But as stated in the press release the other variation of items besides what I’m showing below that will be available.
Collector’s bundle: T-shirt, Glow in the dark Vinyl, digipak CD, Triptych poster (this will have an invisible ink aspect that reveals under black light), Record player turntable slipmat.

Here is an example of the poster’s reveal under black light effect.

Limited Edition Picture Disc Vinyl front and back. Note the blue and pink lines are for production purposes only, and not part of the design.

Better view of the T-shirt

Better view of the Vinyl

Better view of the CD digipak

Turntable Slipmat for record players

Well, thats it for now, an awful lot to take in really. I’ll get pictures up for other items as soon as I can.
Also from what I’ve been told there will be use of my art designs on the tour as well. I think a stage backdrop, and hopefully other shirt designs, and who knows what other little surprises.
Saturday September 08th 2012, 8:29 pm
I just heard from my good friend Todd Klein that I’ve won at this year’s Harvey Awards for my work on Batwoman. Best Cover Artist and Best Artist categories. I have no idea who out there voted for me, but thank you so very much! Hugs!