Thursday January 19th 2012, 1:03 pm
Being offered for order this month from Diamond and Oni Press is a new series by my friend Brian Churilla. Its called The Secret History Of DB Cooper, and Brian’s work on this, as always, is tremendous. I love what he does, it has so much punch, vitality, and fun in it. I was very humbled when he asked me to do a variant cover his new series, I had to say yes. Below is that cover along with Brian’s. I love his work so much that I found it a challenge to NOT try to draw it like he would, I couldn’t picture it any other way than his. But I managed to come up with something inspired by the design sensibility he was showing me, rather than just emulate what he was doing, put my spin on his unique surrealistic perspective for the visuals to this series. The book is loaded with fun stuff: inter-dimensional travel, intrigue, otherworldly monsters, a wicked little teddy bear. Order this book, you won’t be disappointed!
Churilla’s brilliant issue number one cover…
J H variant issue number one cover…

More info to be had at his site…
Thursday January 19th 2012, 12:34 pm
We just found out that Batwoman has been nominated for the next round of the Glaad Media Awards. This is so important for the work to be recognized in this manner. Details and other nominees can be found here…
Wednesday January 11th 2012, 3:00 pm
is out now! Here is the cover free of all text…

And the variant black and white version of the art before any coloring was done by me (see above for a comparison), this is a wrap cover that opens up to reveal a small poster image as seen below…

Friday December 30th 2011, 10:26 pm
Note that in the above tab menu for this site, there is a new one titled 2306152. This new page on the site will feature a new daily blog writing experiment. Consisting of a single paragraph posted everyday, beginning January 1st 2012 and ending on December 31st. The page itself states that it will be be an experimental fiction blog, basically for lack of anything better to describe it. But its more like an abstract-docu-blog I guess. The goal is to note things in my daily life and examine them with whatever comes to mind. I’ve no idea where this thing will lead, but It might turn out to be something worth reading daily, or not. And hopefully a snippet of enjoyment for those who choose to follow along.
Thursday December 29th 2011, 6:09 pm
Adnorning the office wall above my drawing table, among a few photos of Debbie Harry, is now this very cool framed Red Bat Tat (see below), made for me as a gift from our friend Pam Quevado. Such a cool idea. She’s been doing very beautiful pieces for a long while now. She runs an entertaining blog, and a webstore at Etsy too. I can’t speak enough about how much her work is liked around here. So everyone should go check it out, and her blog too. Links…
Pam’s Tatting
Pam’s Tatting Too

Another fun and totally awesome gift came from my wife, Wendy. A relatively portable record player for the office. For all you young’uns, music used to be to be played on these things called vinyl records (smirk), and still is in many circles. I’ve got a small decent vinyl collection that I haven’t played in quite some time, since cds and digital started becoming the main thing. But I gotta tell you, nothing beats the feeling of playing a vinyl record. I tried it out as soon as I got it set up in the studio office, and I can’t begin to describe the feeling I got from putting that record on, after not listening to a vinyl record in close to 10 years. It was amazing! It made me just stop, listen to the music and do nothing else but. The first record played was Pink Floyd’s The Final Cut, and then a Black Belles single. As noted on this blog, I’m a big fan of all kinds of music, but it always seems to be while working or doing something else. Its been forever since music has been played as a singular activity in this house, and I didn’t realize just how much I missed that, until now. So thats going to change for certain. What a perfect gift from my wife, bringing pleasure to my life.