Sunday August 07th 2011, 7:46 pm
Well, things have been moving along on Batwoman. Which is good since its right around the corner for its release next month. Art on it has been some tough going, but worth it, and I think we’ll have most of the fifth issue of the first arc wrapped by launch date, or pretty close to that. Been working on various scripts, Batwoman, and another unrelated thing. Starting work on scripting for issue 10 in the next couple weeks.
Reading lately has been some random things, a little old school comics stuff, and a newish Image book…
Dark Shadows-Hermes Press (a collection of the old comics from around the time the TV Show was on way back a few decades). Some fun wacky stuff, vampires, witches, werwolves, ghosts, and even time travel. Enjoyed it a lot. I’ll have to pick up the rest of the volumes.
The Atomic Knights- DC (another collection of old school comics). Impeccably illustrated by Murphy Anderson. This has some really bizarre stuff going in here, men (and one woman) in old medieval suits of armor, running around in a 1986-2000 post apocalyptic world, driving hotrods, shooting ray-guns, fighting monsters of all sorts, and fascists. Hell, there is even telepathic waking plants to be seen!! It reads a bit stiffly like a lot of the old comics do but I couldn’t help find it charming, in its willingness to go to some far out imaginative ideas. Whence you immerse yourself into the kookier mentality of it all, the old school style of writing, actually compliments the feel of it all.
Fractured Fables-Image Comics (a new collection of some very fine short stories). It has a plethora of very talented people working in a wide variety genres and styles centered around old and new fable ideas. So it has a nice fresh and playful quality to the whole thing. Very enjoyable.
On The Tube…
Been watching on BBC America a show called Outcasts. It’s a slow burn type show, with lots of character building. It essentially is about the last vestiges of humanity having colonized an Earth like planet, that of course has some mysteries to it, but you have to be patient on the speed of the reveals. It seems to be leading to a revelation of some kind. I like it enough to stick with it, slow burn shows can really pay off if you have the patience to see where they’re headed.
Breaking Bad this season has been a slow burn as well, but still as gripping as ever. The first episode of the new season is pretty damn disturbing. This show remains one of the most brilliant things on TV.
Recent Music…
David J
Daniel Ash
The Black Belles
David Bowie
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Paul Weller
Faith and The Muse
Monster Magnet
Drive By Truckers
Explosions In The Sky
LCD Soundsystem
Marissa Nadler
Wanda Jackson
Monday July 18th 2011, 11:48 am
Some time ago, I was contacted by the book publishing branch of LucasFilm. That they were planning a very special art book based on Star Wars with Abrams Books. This book was going to focus on the art of Star Wars comics, and asked if I’d like to participate, presenting a newer image for them. I was excited to be involved. So I came up with an idea that could feel like a snippet of a comics story, an untold tale, and the page would be like we’re getting to see only one key moment of the story. And this scene would be a widescreen fold out. They liked the idea. I wanted something that was a new character of my creation. I had been told that George was a longtime comics fan. So I also wanted to go for this classic giant monster versus hero idea, like stuff you might see in old Kirby comics, but here it needed to be a mechanical weapon that looked like a creature, giving a sense of story beyond fighting a giant monster. This gives more weight for the snippet of a bigger unseen plot idea. And the scene had to have a strong design sense to it, so it could have a signature look that could be identified with my sensibilities, but still felt like Star Wars when you look at it. I think it was successful. It was a lot of fun to do. The image was done using all simple line and tonal work, then coloring was done using photoshop. The effect I wanted was something that seemed like a meld of line work and paint work, but still had a bit of a graphic punch to it. Here is a preview of the image…

The art-book will be available October 2011, but can be pre-orderd at the following places or at finer book and comics shops everywhere…
Tuesday July 12th 2011, 12:21 pm
Well the San Diego Show is right around the corner. The only appearance I will be making will be on the Gays In Comics panel via a short filmed video. I’m hard at work on the new Batwoman material and unwilling to take time away from that to go to SD for almost a week. But for those of you going please go check out the panel. Below is more information about it, hosted by longtime contributor Andy Mangels. There is going to be some sort of after party gathering, and an auction benefit to which I’ve contributed a quick Batwoman sketch toward (see preview below). I wish I could be there, as I’m sure it’ll be a good time to be had.

Gays in Comics: Year 24!
Saturday, July 23
5:45-7:15, Room 6A
5:30-7:00 Gays in Comics: Year 24! — This all-star panel examines the rising diversity in the comics world today as the long-running “Gays in Comics” panel continues into its third decade at Comic-Con! As mainstream companies DC and Marvel are continue to frontline gay characters such as Batwoman and Northstar, and hire top-level gay or gay-friendly creators, independent publishers and creators are publishing unequivocal content spotlighting gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender characters, to the cheers of the thousands of fans who are out of the comic book closet. Welcome a top-level panel of GLBT and straight creators, who will give amazing insights and glimpses of surprises to come!
Joining founding moderator Andy Mangels, the USA Today best-selling author of Star Trek novels and Iron Man: Beneath The Armor, as well as numerous comic books, are: Robert Kirkman, writer of The Walking Dead and Invincible and head of Image Comics’ Skybound imprint; Chip Kidd, award-winning author, editor and designer of books such as Bat-Manga, Rough Justice, and Jack Cole and Plastic Man; Dan Parent, writer and artist for Archie and Betty & Veronica, and creator of Archie’s new gay character and series, Kevin Keller; Jon Macy, writer and artist of 2010 Lambda Literary Award-winning Teleny and Camille and Prism Queer Press grant recipient for Fearful Hunter; Paul Cornell, writer for TV’s Doctor Who and DC Comics’ upcoming Stormwatch and Demon Knights series; Greg Pak, writer of Incredible Hulks and co-writer of Alpha Flight and Herc; plus, a special video appearance by J.H. Williams III, co-writer and artist of DC’s Batwoman series! Plus, there’s always a surprise or two…
Afterward, stick around for the hour-long gay comics fan mixer/social, hosted by PRISM Comics, with prizes and surprise special guests! Room 6A
7:00-8:00 Gays in Comics Mixer and Silent Auction — hosted by and benefiting PRISM Comics, the nonprofit organization that supports gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered comics, creators, and readers. Mingle with comics fans and creators plus stay for the special drawing of a “Comics Gift Basket” and the silent auction of hot comics items, including original art by Alex Ross, Dan Parent, and J H Williams lll! Room 6A
Auction quick sketch…

Music for your roadtrip (good mix of modern and retro)…
Florence+ The Machine: Lungs deluxe edition
Beach House
The Pretenders
Dead Confederate: Wrecking Ball
Echo And The Bunnymen
The Greenhornes
The Human League
Miss Kittin
Blondie: Panic Of Girls Fanpack edition (I know I’m biased but this album is just damn awesome!!!)
Friday June 10th 2011, 11:01 am
New interview at Phantasmaphile.
Monday June 06th 2011, 9:08 pm
Batwoman is scheduled!
Another interview that I’d done sometime ago for a magazine, but now has the article online…Moonlight.
Music rotation…
Lou Reed
Lykke Li
Fever Ray
Von Iva
The 69 Eyes
Amarcord (tribute to Nina Rota)
Terror Lake
Lots of remastered Julian Cope (The Teardrop Explodes: Kilimanjaro, The Jehovah Coat Demos, Peggy Suicide, Jehovah Kill)
Thursday June 02nd 2011, 6:13 pm
Some really cool news has broke about a dream come true for me. As some may know, and certainly close friends do, I’m a huge Blondie fan and always have been. Last year Wendy and I actually got the opportunity to meet the band, it was astounding for me, and that is an understatement. However, certain things developed which allowed me to stay in touch with Chris Stein from the band. It was mutually decided to work together. First discussion was doing cover art for them on their next project following the current release of Panic of Girls. I really didn’t want to post this info until the band brought it up publicly themselves, which they’ve now done. I’m excited beyond words to work with them. Haden Blackman and I also developed a video concept for one of the new songs late last year. They seemed to really like the concept, but don’t know if the video will get done because of budgets and such. Thats how it goes sometimes, but there is gratification just getting the chance to present them with ideas. Seeing a published confirmation from them about doing the cover work on the next thing is just damn cool, I’m over the moon.
I of course let friends know. Who wouldn’t, right? And my good friend, James Sime of San Francisco’s Isotope Comics Lounge, has truly humbled me by this very sweet article he has posted about the night we hung out with Blondie. He’s the most awesomest! He describes it by far better than I can, so here is the link…
Panic of Girls
Wednesday June 01st 2011, 8:13 pm
Untitled from JH Williams III on Vimeo.
Untitled from JH Williams III on Vimeo.
Wink, wink, grin. (disclaimer: does not actually feature either of these people’s voices, just us being cheeky)
Sunday May 15th 2011, 7:30 pm
Wednesday May 04th 2011, 11:21 am
Out today is a book collection titled Screaming Planet, published by Humanoids. Which I contributed the art for a short story that it contains, titled Eucharist Sun. This is actually my first collaboration with my friend Dave Stewart. This story and many of the others were originally printed in Metal Hurlant quite a few years ago. I believe I was still working on Promethea at the time that I did this.
It was a nice experiment for me, one of my early inking myself gigs. I remember wanting a very organic feel to the drawing, which is not easy to do if you’re working with an inker, so I went for it myself. The results were decent enough and I learned some lessons doing it.
The other thing about this book is that the stories were written by one of the finest comics writers ever, Alejandro Jodorowsky. He is considered by many, one of the premier european comics writers. Many of his english translated books can be found if you dig for them. Or ask your retailer to get them, or go to Amazon. I’ve been a fan of his work for most of my comics reading life, so getting the opportunity to draw a story from him, even a short 10 pages was a thrill for me so early in my career. I certainly hope one day I’ll get another such opportunity, but something grander in size.
He’s also known for his books on metaphysics such as Psychomagic, and his avant-garde film making, El Topo being the most noted, quite an artist, this man.
Below are a few links to learn a little more about the Screaming Planet book. Comic Book Resources has put up jpegs of my story today, so I’ve provided a link to that as well.
Screaming Planet
Tuesday April 26th 2011, 11:47 am
I’ve been reading some old Legion Of Superheroes comics. Sad to say that I never dived into this stuff more fully before, so I’m treading through collections at my whim. There is something uniquely captivating about these characters to me, it all seems to have this random retro quality to the ideas of them, which I like very much. A sort of old style pulpy sci-fi thing with powers, all without feeling held down and outdated. Having a good time with it.
Also just started reading 2012: The Return Of Quetzalcoatl. I thought I’d give this a shot since I mention this subject loosely in my last post, upon recommendation from my wife Wendy. We’ve traded books this time around, me placing in front of her a book from Leslie Kean on the reality of the UFO, and she giving me 2012 book by Daniel Pinchbeck. So far the book seems to be about the idea that toward the end of 2012, from the author’s point of view, will begin a transformation of metaphysical consciousness for humanity. He talks about the various experiences he’s had exploring psychedelics and shamanistic journeys he’s taken. The mythical god Quetzalcoatl being a symbol to usher in a new age of thought and progress beyond the wants of the physical, expanding to truer desires rather than the consumption of worldliness, shaking off the shackles of crude goods beyond what we actually need. But this is just basic boiling down of the beginning pieces of what the author discusses. It is interesting but a bit scattered in his thought process, making for some tough reading, goes on some tangents, but thats okay. I tend to think that way sometimes myself. Only starting the fourth chapter. The book does have a lengthy introduction that seems to basically spell out what the following chapters may cover. I hope to gain more insight as I read along but I really dislike introductions that give away the point of what I’m about to read, so why read the following segments, we’ll see. Wendy enjoyed the book, she did find it frustrating to follow at times. But ultimately felt it was worth your time and thought provoking. I’ll most likely blog about it again after finishing it and giving it some thought.
In the CD player recently…
Antony And The Johnsons
Jarvis Cocker
Nashville Pussy
Gene Colan…
Is by far one the best artists comics has seen. His work is full of life and shadow. Known for working on some of comics’ most famous characters, and one of my favorites from the past, Tomb Of Dracula. I highly recommend the omnibus editions of this stuff that Marvel has released. Gene has not been feeling well of late and needs to raise funds to support him with some of his physical needs. There is an auction to be held to gain some meager proceeds, quite a list of items and more information can be found here…
Monday April 11th 2011, 10:00 pm
onto this and should ease people a bit on whoever is feeling like 2012 is something to fear.
Thursday April 07th 2011, 7:15 pm
The relatively new track American Trash from InnerPartySystem off their latest EP Never Be Content is absolutely stunning. Seek, find, listen and absorb.
The video is pretty damn cool as well.
Wednesday April 06th 2011, 4:51 pm
Sunday April 03rd 2011, 12:37 pm
A quick note. In the cd player recently…
David Bowie
The Sword
The Cinematic Orchestra
Revolting Cocks
Colour Haze
El Paramo
Michael Moorcock’s Hawkmoon: The Sword Of Dawn, and The Runsestaff
The Arctic Marauder by Jacques Tardi, one of Europe’s finest comics creators, There has been some books over the past couple years to make their way to the U.S. finally.
Big Love: Recently watched the series finale. Oh my god, that was a rollercoaster of an ending. I’ve heard complaints about the last two seasons of the series and I honestly can’t say enough about how wrong those criticisms have been, in my humble opinion. I’ve felt the writing on that series has been astounding from beginning to end. Very powerful and intense, and at times highly stressful. The show for the past 2 seasons kept building and building, as if things things would completely boil over any moment, until release. Watching the ending really shows how purposeful it all was, that there needed to be this intensity, rising to a point of breaking in order for something new to emerge from the chaos. For those who’ve not seen it, sorry for rambling on, just wanted to express my enthusiasm for how amazingly executed the series had been.
Thursday March 31st 2011, 12:01 am
My good friend, Scott Johnson, who is working with me as a co-writer on an untitled graphic novel project, has a new comedy venture in Las Vegas, Nevada. Its going by the name Feed The Monkey.
The show is every thursday night, 10pm at the Casbar inside the Sahara Hotel & Casino. Its a sketch comedy show. Scott wrote many of the skits performed and acts in it as well. this thursday the tickets are $15 cash at the door, every recurring thursday til they bring down the house is 19.95 plus fees.
More information is below.

Feed The Monkey Sketch Comedy Show, now backed by M. Walter Pitchman Productions, is set to take the glitzy stage of the Las Vegas Strip as they play the Casbar Lounge at the legendary Sahara Hotel and Casino Thursday, March 31st at 10pm and every Thursday moving forward!
Feed the Monkey is a sketch comedy troop that has been playing in the Las Vegas area for just about three years in various areas around town which include The Onyx Theater and the now defunct Town Square Theater. After almost a one year hiatus, the Monkeys are back with a vengeance, set to play at one of the most legendary Hotel and Casinos on the Las Vegas Strip; the Sahara Hotel and Casino. The Sahara has housed celebrity comedy acts such as Bill Cosby, Don Rickles, George Carlin and of course the legendary Rat Pack, just to name a few.
With the talents of local actors such as Ryan Remark, Jillian Pizzuto, Scott Johnson, Drew Yonemori, Margeret Menzies Gonzalez, Jeremy Knowles and co-founder of M. Walter Pitchman Productions, Jon Paul Raniola just to name a few – you are certain to have the most side splitting, jaw dropping, straight up hilarious time during this hour and fifteen minutes or so performance!
You can follow Feed the Monkey on Twitter for more updates and you can also find them on Facebook. Come and take part of Sketch Comedy that eats your head!
Sunday March 27th 2011, 11:06 pm
Below is the cover I just finished for the Static Shock Special due out some time in the near future. I wanted to try some different things in attitude. The Milestone characters always had this unusual quality to them, which I think made them pretty cool. And some of them seemed to have this Funk aspect to them. Now when I say Funk, I’m referring to Funk Music. So I decided to see if I could bring that more forward in attitude for this cover. The result is pretty effective. It still has this iconic quality that the genre should have, but now it feels like Funk meets Superheroes to me. Resulting in something different than what I usually do.
So here is the breakdown as always…
This is the rough sketch for editorial approval.

Here is the black and white version. I was dissatisfied with the idea in sketch form, it didn’t feel iconic enough, or elegant enough. The trick to doing iconic superhero images these days is that they can feel a bit redundant or generic. The sketch is a bit blah to me. So in this black and white version I focused on making the pose more elegant in it’s movement. I used all copic greytones this time around and no traditional inking. I combined that with some black color pencil work and a little inkwash, and then final touches of white.

Here is the color version, done using photoshop. In the black and white I knew there was quite a few elements that I wanted to convert to color and remove some of the line work. The color was going to play a very important role here capturing the attitude I talk about above. So I used some unusual palette choices to get that feel I was going for across. I tried to use colors that fit the character but also fit the theme or my idea of Funk Music. The end result makes some of the stereotypical aspects of the iconic image recede and something bolder come forward. I’m pretty happy with it.

And finally the logo version. This was tough because the logo for this character is a very awkward style. Making it fit in with what was happening on the cover but stand out was challenging. The end result definitely fits into the Funk Music mentality that I was trying to convey. Hopefully its now a cover that will pop off the shelf from whatever is next to it.

Thursday March 17th 2011, 9:43 pm
Not much to report since last week. Working away on pages. Issue 3 is shaping up nicely so far. Had a bit of St. Patricks Day fun, watching Darby O’Gill And The Little People this afternoon. Although a bit down due to all sad events in Japan. I can’t imagine the nightmare that situation is for them. My heart goes out to those people.
In the CD player this past week…
Lena Horne
Fitz and The Tantrums
Antony and The Johnsons
Noir Desir
Janis Joplin
George Thorogood
Marilyn Manson
The reading this week…
Steve Pugh’s Hotwire
Fucking amazing! The art is so good I’m jealous.
Michael Moorcock: Hawkmoon, The Jewel In The Skull
I’ve been on a kick for all the imagination this author has to offer for quite some time now. There have been a few recent re-publishing efforts on his work. I’m determined to read his entire cache of books. I’m thoroughly addicted and cannot recommend his work enough.
TV Watching– Justified, Pillars of the Earth, No Heroics, Glee, and Fringe
Saturday March 12th 2011, 12:33 pm
Well, its obvious to many that Batwoman’s release has been pushed back yet again. This was not our choice, and as to why, I’m not at liberty to really discuss. So the release may be farther away now, but be assured that work is still commencing. The upside to a later release means that gives us plenty of time to get a lot of issues done. Amy has turned in some variant cover work for the series and has shown us thumbnails for issue 6, looks really nice. So while I’m moving forward, she is too, we’ll have my arc done and hers well on it’s way to completion by the time this thing rolls out. The only real downside is that solicits were pulled on us twice, making readers heads spin, wish that didn’t happen, but it has, lets just make the best of it. I’m fast approaching the middle of issue 3’s interior art, Haden and I’ve started working on script for issue 8, the first 5 covers are done, and Dave has had issue 2 in his hands for his special magic touch.
Its a bit ironic that the release has been pushed back again considering that DC decided to show preview pages this same week. I too was going to be showing the cover to issue 3 in a couple weeks for when that issue was to be solicited, now that solicit isn’t happening at this time. But I’m going to show it anyway right now, to keep spirits up.
Here is the rough sketch done for editorial approval…

Here’s the black and white version. You can see quite few elements were added or altered based on the sketched rough above.

Now the colored version by me, using photoshop. At this stage I had planned on adding that zigzag design motif that is indicated in the rough sketch. But after seeing it this far along, it just seemed wiser to keep the design a little more simple. I’ve been feeling that way about most of the new covers for the series so far. I’m not sure if has to do with the psychology of them, being more on the horror side. But it just feels right to leave off some of the flourishes I tend to do, this time around.

And here is the logo. This was a bit tough to figure out properly because I didn’t want it to be intrusive, but it needed to stand out too, graphically. And there were some space limitations to contend with as well.

Tuesday February 22nd 2011, 10:33 pm
Just heard some very sad news, Dwayne McDuffie has passed away. He was always one of the best creators this industry had the luxury of claiming. His work is memorable not just for his forward thinking in terms of ethnic characters, but also for the coolness that always seem to come along for the ride with his stories. I had the fortunate but very brief time to have worked with him while Milestone was on the rise for DC Comics. It was Milestone that really seemed to be willing to give me some of my first shots at being a professional artist. My gratitude for that can never be forgotten, and neither will Dwayne’s offerings.
Read This.
Sunday February 13th 2011, 10:24 pm
Here is the basic run down of the second issue cover.
Original version done using Zig millennium pens, ink brush work, Copic greytones, Holbein gouache paints…

Then that was scanned into photoshop for digital color of the black and white portions. This was a purposeful choice because I wanted for the two sections of art to have drastically different looks. One style above the water line and another below. This helped add to the surreal unnerving quality of the image…

Then final text and logo placement…

Wednesday January 26th 2011, 8:57 pm
Here is the breakdown and process notes…
Rough sketch for editorial approval…

Black and white version, done with ink and copic greytones, and a little ink wash. Then some touch-ups with black color pencil and white color pencil.

Color version using photoshop. Since I wanted the ghostly image of the new Villain to be a part of the physical artwork I had to carefully separate that digitally before coloring the piece. I felt this was necessary to better mix the elements afterward using various fx. Also I made a compositional change by adding another fish skeleton, using one of the ones I had already drawn through selection and duplication tools. This really improved the compositional balance. I also made a slight digital change to the cape near Batwoman’s face. This was important to do because the color of the untouched version looked a little awkward. I also smoothed the textures on her skin so it would have a different feel than the wash tones elsewhere. I also added some green mist to enhance the ghostly otherworldly quality of the villain’s presence to finish it off.

Wednesday January 19th 2011, 10:06 pm
Okay, as some places on web have determined, Batwoman has been pushed back to April. I feel I should comment on this and get some facts straight. Some think that this book was to launch last July, this was never the case, this was speculation on the part of some. The book was also never to launch in November either. The zero issue which came out at that time was never in the original plans, but was done as a bit of a reminder as requested by DC, and to set the stage, this of course took out time of the work already in progress. February had been decided on the launch date by the company with reservations about that from me. I felt that was a bit too soon in a realistic look at work progression. One of the reasons for this was that I had been seriously committed to making appearances around the world over this past year. I think maybe 3 months or more of work loss occurred during that time. I kept trying to point this out whenever discussions about schedule came up. When first discussing the launch date earlier last year we had originally wanted April 2011, and now ironically that is what we have. Only after solicits stating otherwise, causing some unnecessary frustrations. Added to this mix I was being asked to do covers for Batman Inc., which I was concerned about considering the schedule for Batwoman, this quickly added to the problem of not being able to launch in February. So I thought it best to bow out of the Batman Inc. project. Even though there has been issues raised in the scheduling and plans being jumped the gun on, DC acknowledges for the greater good of the project we need more time. I’m glad that they saw this was a good idea, this will help maintain a certain standard that we’ve already set in place. The work has been very intense on this so far. Haden and I have put a lot of time and detail into the plot to make it as strong as we can, going well beyond the first 2 arcs. We know where we want to ultimately take this, we know what we’d like to see happening in 2 years for this character, and have thought a lot about it. Things we are doing in the plot now will impact and have meaning for what is to come later. Same goes for the art, I want this to be at least as good as what came before. So in the daily grind of work, in terms of writing, the process of the script creation gets in the way of drawing quite often. I’m just sorry that solicits took place when they clearly shouldn’t have. I hope this gives more clarity to what has been going on.
Okay now that I’ve said what needed to be said, onto some visuals. Below are my 5 only covers for Batman Inc., without any of the fuss of the logo and text treatments…

Next up will be Batwoman covers in detail, sometime next week.
Sunday January 02nd 2011, 8:49 pm
From me to all of you, wishing you a better 2011 than 2010.
Below are the Slipcase and Cover images to Absolute Promethea Volume 3. I hope you enjoy them. These were done close to a year ago and I’ve had to hold onto them for this long before revealing. But now that the final volume is available for pre-order at finer shops and book outlets everywhere, I figured it’s time to show them. The cover image was way too complicated to break down into steps for this one. The next post will feature some of that sort of thing for the Batman Incorporated covers I’ve been doing (issue 5 being my last). And then onto the new Batwoman covers. I had been meaning to post images sooner for the new projects but energy around the holidays tends to go in other directions.
Absolute Promethea Volume 3 Slipcase…

Absolute Promethea Volume 3 Cover…

Monday December 20th 2010, 1:09 pm
Wishing a Happy Holiday time to everyone.
I am so happy that DADT is finally gone. I have to say this was a perfectly timed thing to happen for our country, in terms of what time of year Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was repealed, a nice gift from our government. Its just sad that this policy ever occurred in the first place. It was grotesque and shameful that we ever went there. And terrible that it took nearly two decades for the folly to be properly dealt with. It made us seem less civilized than other industrialized nations on this matter. But with it’s repeal finally seeing reality, I feel a little more hopeful that our country can move forward into a better future. It shows us that progress is happening, I just wish it didn’t take so damn long.
Now to figure out what this may mean for Kate Kane, we’ll need to acknowledge this in some way, but properly in the plot, much like the policy’s enforcement affected the plot for Batwoman’s origin. Like it informed her past, setting her on the path she now has, this new progress will have to inform her direction at some point in a significant way.
Friday November 26th 2010, 4:53 pm
The event at Red Sky Comics for December 4th has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances from the store. Haden and I apologize for such short notice to anyone who may have made plans to stop by, or travel to the shop from out of town, to get copies of their comics signed. This was beyond our control. However, the signing appearance from us at BLUE MOON COMICS in Novato, CA is still on, as scheduled (see details below). We’ll both be there and will have lots of art from the new Batwoman series that starts next February for preview. So if anyone wants to come up to that event we’d love to see you there.
1555 So. Novato Blvd.
Novato, CA 94947
1:00PM – 4:00PM
617 West Main Street
Merced, CA 95340
5:00PM – 8:00PM