Saturday October 13th 2012, 11:43 am
This Sunday!
Alternate Reality Comics in Vegas is hosting a group of us next Sunday for a signing event. Here is their official flyer…

Alternate reality
Next Week!
Local shops are putting together a listening and signing party centered around the release Of The Sword’s new album that I’ve done the packaging art for. Below is the flyer followed by their press release…

The Sword’s Apocryphon Album Signing /Record Release Party with J.H. Williams III
Saturday, October 27 – 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Strawberry Alarm Clock
1626 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Merced, CA 95340
When award winning local artist J.H. Williams III is commissioned to design the artwork for Indie Rock legends THE SWORD’s
latest album “Apocryphon” it calls for a celebration. Strawberry Alarm Clock, in conjunction with Red Sky Comics, is proud to host the artist for an in-store signing slash record release party.
Red Sky Comics
Strawberry Alarm Clock
Thursday October 11th 2012, 10:48 am
First up is the very crude rough for editorial approval…

Then here is the black and white. Note the composition has been altered, improved upon. This enhances a sense of movement, but it was for nothing, you’ll see what I mean on the final stage…

Here is the color version by me. Batwoman had yet to really use a dark cover, and there is a point in the story that lended well in going for something black and dark grey. Its at this stage that I added additional shapes into the background grabbed from the main centipede shape, this allowed for some needed layering to the composition. I hate relying on digital tricks like this, but sometimes its necessary. And its an idea that didn’t occur to me until the coloring stage…

Now here is the logo and text version I turned in. You’ll note how well it compliments the movements and composition in an interesting way without interfering with the shapes, it works with them simplistically to gain an added sense of design…

Now this final stage has nothing to do with me. This is all DC. There was insistence that the covers use the Arrow banner, a last minute add on into the process, something I had no control over, so they had to lower the image a bit to accommodate. I get that they sometimes use that space for banner adds, but what I don’t like is when I’m not told in advance so I can design around it. Then the logo and text was changed to something I feel is way overpowering to the composition, they felt the first version was too confusing, which I disagree with. Since the image had to be lowered to allow for the banner add note how the upc box on the lower right corner interferes with the movement now. All of these changes work against the composition greatly, the result looks like something scattered and undesigned, like something thrown together…

Friday October 05th 2012, 7:57 pm
Last weekend at Morrison Con we had the extreme pleasure of meeting Akira The Don. And got to see a live performance as well. He’s a true master entertainer with enough explosive energy to set Las Vegas to burning with unseen but massively felt super cosmic energies of feel good.
Check out his site: Akira
Tuesday October 02nd 2012, 8:06 pm
With MorrisonCon in Vegas barely over, I can now say we will be returning there very shortly…
Alternate Reality Comics will be hosting an event on Sunday, October 21st from 2pm-5pm. It’ll be myself and some other fine folks. Details at…
Alternate Reality
Its gonna be a party!