The Sandman Overture Art Sale Is Coming!
Wednesday September 23rd 2015, 9:55 pm
It’s taken us a long time to get to this point. Usually we would offer the original art after each issue, but with Overture being on such a strange schedule we decided it best to wait until the series was complete. The plan will be to offer one issue at a time. We are considering a week apart for each issue as well. And hopefully we’ll be able to do that in October, or when the release of Hardcover edition arrives early November. These details of where, when, and how will be posted in the next couple of weeks. But we thought it wise to start talking about it now, so those of you want a piece can start saving your pennies.
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Hey there Michael Joyal
Thanks so very much for the kind words. I’m glad you like the work enough to consider wanting to own a piece of it.
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OMG!!! Wow. I may even sell my other Sandman page to get one of yours. LOVE the art from the final issue. That last page mimicking the Sam Keith page from issue 1 or the original series was grand. The naked Morpheus was powerful stuff!
Comment by Michael Joyal 10.01.15 @ 1:50 pm