The Sandman Overture Issue 1 Original Art Sale is Coming!
Friday October 16th 2015, 1:35 pmNOVEMBER 15th! Mark your calendars, set your notices.
Issue 1 art is where we’ll start. And we’ll make another announcement with the time of day the sale will begin.
Each issue of the original art will be made available every 3 to 4 weeks. If the art for the issues goes to new homes quickly there is thought to maybe speed up the time table. But the main reason to have some short pauses between each issue being posted is to give people plenty of time to save their pennies.
After looking around at several options on how we were going to sell the art, it looks like the best way to do that is keep it right here in our webstore.
Our store uses Paypal, so it’s recommended to set that up. They offer various ways to obtain purchases, including options to have a payment plan, but I believe you have to have your membership account verified.
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